Bringing you State-of-the-Art in Security & Convenience

 KastlePresence, an intuitive Internet of Things (IoT) workplace solution – a Smart Office Platform. Controlled by a simple smartphone app, KastlePresence offers a suite of features, including the first entirely hands-free mobile access solution, designed to make spaces safer, smarter and more convenient for people who occupy and manage office buildings – in effect, enabling the Office of the Future.



Introducing KastlePresence®

Using KastlePresence allows for superior access control — stronger security, greater convenience, easier and more accurate activity reporting, and unmatched integration with building systems and amenities. Since Kastle secures this building, you can enjoy all the security and convenience of our mobile, hands free access credential.

Download KastlePresence Today!


Increased Security
Each mobile device is encrypted so it cannot be copied like typical cards or fobs, for the safest access control, ever. Additionally, users are less likely to lose or share smart phones like they do key cards since they are highly personal and valuable. If lost, smart phones are password protected which denies access.

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Mobile Hands-Free Access
The most convenient way to effortlessly unlock secured spaces – no hands required – using a mobile app. Add your employee badge to Apple Wallet today and access everyday spaces with just your iPhone and Apple Watch. Also available for Android! Your mobile device triggers entry doors, access turnstiles and even smart elevators to automatically operate based on user access privileges.


Data Insights and Connectivity
Optimize efficiency through space usage data and reporting for buildings, elevators, shared amenities, flex space, parking and more. Smart phones are generally always on-hand with user so access data is more accurate. What’s going on in your building? New insights into space use mean new benefits.

Contact Kastle

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at